Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 218

XI .
Immediate Next Steps
Community engagement throughout the project – even though working through a global pandemic – has been outstanding . Given the momentum of the project and the opportunities to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects ( in addition to some additional funding ), it is crucial that work continue . Suggested next steps include :
• Implement the Rapid Cycle Improvement project as described earlier in this report and detailed by the precis in the appendices to provide crisis care services to youth and adults , create a centralized care coordination entity and process , develop a public awareness campaign , and create an entity to support immediate and long-term improvements .
• Continue regularly recurring meetings of the Polk Vision project leadership group ; purposefully expand the group to include faithbased organizations , representatives from the arts community , volunteer organizations , African American sororities and fraternities , public libraries , and others .
• Establish the central behavioral health coalition ( as also described in the Rapid Cycle Improvement project precis ).
• Engage with local providers who may be able to provide parttime ( or fulltime ) support for increased counseling services at jails and / or to provide community transition services .
• Expand the Helping Hands program ; explore First Ride initiatives .
“ Never lose sight of the ultimate goal to improve the quality of life of Polk County residents by addressing the behavioral health needs in the community . Polk County has tremendous resources and is , in some ways , ahead of other regions of the state .” Project leader