Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 16

audiences such as the community of people experiencing homelessness , people in the criminal justice system , people currently facing behavioral health and / or substance misuse issues , the LGBTQ community , and others . Based on the research , Crescendo will generate deliverables such as the following :
• Sequential Map and narrative reports that do the following : o o
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Identify and describe the network of Polk County service providers
Provide details regarding patient flows and barriers to care ( as well as “ highlights ” and aspects that work well )
Describe higher-risk community groups and subpopulations
Outline access / system entry points , access processes and impediments , current resources designed to overcome impediments , and other sequence of care milestones .
• A research report that illuminates capacity service gaps ( e . g ., “ more child psychiatrists needed ”) and operational service gaps ( e . g ., “ more care navigation ” or a “ no wrong door ” resource for first-time health system users ).
• A comprehensive report summarizing all research and related SIM project research ( e . g ., interactive tools ; survey analyses ; a clear set of consensus-building , prioritized needs ; appendices ; and , other project materials ).
• A detailed , consumer-friendly set of interactive maps .
• A Strategic Initiatives list that highlights core actions and indicates the objective ( or goal ) of each action , designates who will carry out the action , timelines , measures of success , and reporting processes .
Stage 3 : Implementing Strategies that Strengthen Communities Goal : To create and implement strategies to positively impact community behavioral health .
The mechanism includes engaging key stakeholders , connecting with higher-need community groups , addressing higher-need service gaps , and building or enhancing partnerships , and streamlining access to services . Project tasks will include working with Polk Vision ’ s select stakeholders to establish ongoing initiatives that engage community members , service providers , and others throughout Polk County – urban , suburban , and rural areas .