Polk Broadband Plan | Page 26

Introduction and Background Additionally, analysis should be conducted to identify need within employment sectors, industries and people groups. For example, data may indicate that the health care industry is projected to grow within a given planning area. As a heavy user of broadband infrastructure, this sector must be accommodated in the broadband plan. As another example, it may be noted from surveys that people with household incomes below the poverty level typically do not utilize broadband in the home. Therefore, the plan may outline some strategies to increase broadband usage within that demographic. NS VISION R ST IM IO TAT N E EM PL EG AT IES DEMAND ASSESSMENT & PROJECTION GOALS EVA L U AT IO N Figure 5. Planning Process Design 4. Plan Creation a. Vision b. Goals c. Strategies d. Implementation e. Evaluation The basic framework of the strategic broadband plan is similar to that of plans for other types of infrastructure. The vision is the framework for the community/region and its development and utilization of broadband. Goals are developed to guide the community/region in the direction of its vision. Strategies are specific methods to achieve the identified goals. Implementation means putting the strategies into effect (the action phase of the plan). Evaluation is concerned with looking back at what strategies were effective and what strategies were not. The Evaluation is used to identify failed efforts and eliminate or modify them to make the plan more effective over time. 24