Sur les traces de...
...Johnny Depp
La star internationale
Dans le cadre d'une expression écrite en anglais, Eurydice, élève de 3ème2, a choisi Johnny Depp comme acteur préféré (voir le travail de l'élève ci-contre). Mais qui est-il au juste? Qu'a-t-il fait de particulier?
Jonny Depp est né en 1963 dans le Kentucky, aux Etats-Unis. Il est devenu célèvre grâce à son rôle dans la série télévisée "21 Jump Street".
Il est devenu par la suite l'acteur fétiche du réalisateur Tim Burton.
Parmi ses films notoires, on peut citer Sleepy Hollow (la légende du cavalier sans tête), Charlie et la Chocolaterie, Alice aux Pays des Merveilles et bien sûr la saga Pirates des Caraïbes.
Je lance un appel aux fans de Johnny Depp : il s'est séparé de Vanessa Paradis !
Le travail de l'élève
John Christopher Depp was born on June 9, 1963, in Owensboro, in Kentucky, in the United States. In 1979, he joined the group "The Kids". In 1987, he got his first leading role in "21 Jump Street" as he had only got second roles before. In 1990, Johnny Depp had the leading role in "Edward Scissorhands". In 1993, he played in "Arizona Dream". In 1999, he acted in "Sleepy Hollow".
In 2005, he played in two films the same year. They are "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Corpse Bride". In 2003, he acted in "Pirates of the Caribbean". In 2004n he acted in "Neverland". The same year he won an Empire Award for best actor in "Pirates of the Caribbean". In 2005, he won the People's Choice Award for male favourite star in "Neverland". In 2012, he played in "Alice in Wonderland" in the role of the Mad Hatter. In 2012, he cated in "Dark Shadows".
I picked Johnny Depp as my favourite star because I love his films. He's the most talented and the most compelling. He's the smartest actor ever. He is the most famous too. I think he's the most popular and the most professional.
Eurydice Macaire - 3ème2