Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 61

B . Integrating Nutrition Education into the Classroom Setting
1 . Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that :
a . is offered as part of a comprehensive , stadardsbased program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health ;
b . is part of not only health education and Family and Consumer Science classes but could also be referenced in other subjects as appropriate ;
c . promotes fruits , vegetables , whole grain products , lean meats , low-fat and fat-free dairy products , healthy food preparation methods and health enhancing nutrition practices ;
d . emphasizes caloric balance between food intake and energy expenditure ( physical activity / exercise );
e . links with school meal programs , other school food and nutrition related community services ;
f . teaches media literacy with an emphasis on food marketing ; and
g . includes training for teachers and other staff .
h . may include school gardens as a proper study for students in experiential learning to understanding the science of growth of plants for food and the place of plant matter in the ecological system .
2 . Staff is encouraged to model good nutrition . C . Physical Education
1 . All students will be provided opportunities for physical education as defined by Anoka-Hennepin School District curriculum guidelines .
2 . Students will spend at least 50 percent of physical education class time participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity .
D . Integrating Physical Activity into the Classroom Setting
1 . Classroom teachers are encouraged to develop opportunities for physical activity that can be incorporated into subject lessons and are encouraged to provide short , physical activity breaks during class .
2 . Staff is encouraged to model physical activity .
3 . Staff is encouraged to find creative ways to promote physical activity before , during and after the school day .
E . Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
1 . Classroom health education will complement physical education by reinforcing the knowledge and selfmanagement skills needed to maintain a physically active lifestyle and to reduce time spent on sedentary activities such as watching television .
2 . The district ’ s Transportation Department , with the help of Safe Routes to School , will work with the schools to promote safe , active trips on foot and bicycle for children not eligible for bus transportation .
F . Rewards and Punishment 1 . Staff are strongly encouraged not to exclude students in kindergarten through grade 5 from recess due to punishment or disciplinary action . For students of all ages and grade levels , if a student ’ s conduct during physical education class or recess endangers the health or safety of the student or others , a teacher may remove the student from class or recess .
2 . Food will not be used as a reward or punishment . Teachers are encouraged to offer non-food items as classroom rewards . Staff will not be reimbursed for purchased food rewards . Site administrators may allow purchases of foods or snacks for testing days based on research and recommended best practices . For learners with disabilities , the use of food as an incentive or accommodation may be included in the IEP or Section 504 Plan if appropriate as determined by the IEP team or 504 team .
VI . Monitoring and Policy Review
A . The superintendent or designee will ensure compliance with this Wellness Policy through the Health , Wellness and Safety Committee . At the school level , the principal or designee will ensure compliance with the Wellness Policy and report on the school ’ s compliance to the Health , Wellness and Safety Committee . It is the responsibility of each school ’ s Health , Wellness and Safety Committee to assist in the implementation of the reporting and monitoring requirements of this policy .
B . The Health , Wellness and Safety Committee will be responsible for coordinating information from schools and departments , compiling data and reporting to the superintendent regarding compliance of this policy . The Health , Wellness and Safety Committee will establish methods to monitor results of the policy and measure compliance throughout the district . The Health , Wellness and Safety Committee will review the plan and make recommendations to the superintendent as necessary .
C . Policy review and assessment of items monitored shall be repeated every three years to help maintain compliance , assess progress and determine areas in need of improvement . The Health , Wellness and Safety Committee will revise the Wellness Policy and develop work plans to facilitate their implementation as necessary .
D . The superintendent or designee will develop a summary report every three years on district-wide compliance with the district ’ s established Wellness Policy based on input from the Health , Wellness and Safety Committee . The report will assess the implementation of the policy including the extent to which schools are in compliance and will describe the progress made in attaining the goals of the policy . The report will be provided to the School Board and distributed to groups as directed by the School Board . The report will be made available to the public once approved by the board .
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 59