Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 59

Policy 533.5 : Wellness Policy
The Anoka-Hennepin School District is committed to promoting and protecting students ’ health , physical well-being and ability to learn . Thus , Anoka-Hennepin School District supports healthy eating and healthy physical activity . It strives to provide a healthy school nutrition environment which is conducive to good learning . These efforts also contribute positively to a reduction in childhood obesity and diet related chronic disease .
This policy defines guidelines that the district follows to provide healthy food and a healthful environment for students and staff . Also included are guidelines for the contents of vending machines and wellness topics in the curriculum .
By working toward the following goals , Anoka-Hennepin School District supports the evidence based link between health wellness and improved educational outcomes of Anoka-Hennepin School District students .
A . Food and beverages sold or served at school will meet the nutrition recommendations of the U . S . Dietary Guidelines for Americans .
B . Students will have access to a variety of affordable , nutritious , and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students ; will accommodate the religious , ethnic , and cultural diversity of the student body in meal planning ; and will provide clean , safe and pleasant settings with adequate time for students to eat . School stores and snack vending machines will offer snacks that follow the same state and federal regulations as the Child Nutrition Program for nutrient content .
C . To the maximum extent practicable , all schools will participate in available federal school meal programs ( including the School Breakfast Program , National School Lunch Program [ including after-school snacks ], Summer Food Service Program , Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program , and Child and Adult Care Food Program [ including suppers ]).
D . Schools will provide nutrition promotion , nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity . Schools will establish connections between health education , school meal programs and related community services .
E . All students will have opportunities , support and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis .
F . Each school will have a School Health , Wellness and Safety Committee . The committee will assist the district Health , Wellness and Safety Committee in meeting the implementing , monitoring and reporting requirements of this policy . School / Site administrators will meet with the committee at least two times per year to discuss wellness issues at their school .
G . Staff will work with legislators to fund issues that address the nutritional needs of the student during the school day .
H . A Student Wellness page will be established on the district / school website to publicize opportunities in the area of nutrition and physical activity throughout the district .
The Wellness Policy was designed by the Wellness Task Force which is a subcommittee of the Health , Wellness and Safety Committee . The Wellness Task Force strives to include persons from the schools and community including parents , students , representatives from Child Nutrition , Health Service , Community Education , curriculum directors , members of the School Board , school administration , teachers , health professionals and members of the public . The Health , Wellness and Safety Committee shall continue to develop , implement , monitor , review , and recommend revisions regarding the Wellness Policy . The Health , Wellness and Safety Committee will also serve as a resource to school sites for implementation of the policy . 1
A . Food Environment
1 . Students will be encouraged to start each day with a healthy breakfast since children who come to school hungry may find it difficult to stay alert and learn . If a full breakfast program is not feasible , schools will have healthy breakfast items available that students can purchase on campus in school stores or vending machines .
2 . It is a goal that bus schedules and morning breaks should be coordinated to allow students ample time before class to eat breakfast if they haven ’ t eaten at home .
3 . Lunch periods will be scheduled as near the middle of the school day as possible .
4 . It is a goal to provide students sufficient time to eat during meal periods with at least 10 minutes for breakfast and 20 minutes for lunch from the time the student is seated .
5 . It is a goal to provide dining areas that will be attractive and include enough seating areas to accommodate all students who would like to sit and eat lunch , as well as , enough serving areas so that students do not have to spend too much time waiting in line .
6 . Hand-washing facilities will be available for students and they will be reminded to wash their hands before meals ( to prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of illness ).
7 . Drinking water will be available for students . B . Food Service Operations
1 . Anoka-Hennepin School District will develop a coordinated and comprehensive outreach , promotion and pricing plan to ensure maximum participation in the school meal program and will make certain that all eligible children that qualify receive free and reduced-price meals .
2 . Schools will ensure that students eligible to receive free or reduced price meals and milk are not treated differently from other students nor are they easily identified by their peers .
3 . Anoka-Hennepin School District will employ a food service director who is properly qualified , certified and / or credentialed according to professional standards to administer the school food service program and satisfy
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 57