Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 50

abdomen , or results in straddling a child ’ s torso ; 7 . Withholding regularly scheduled meals or water ; and / or 8 . Denying a child access to toilet facilities
D . Parental Notification
The building administrator or designee shall make reasonable efforts to notify the student ’ s parent or guardian of the student ’ s removal from school grounds as soon as possible following the removal .
E . Continued Removals ; Review of IEP
Continued and repeated use of the removal process described herein must be reviewed in the development of the individual student ’ s IEP or IIIP .
F . Effect of Policy in an Emergency ; Use of Restrictive Procedures
A student with an IEP may be removed in accordance with this policy regardless of whether the student ’ s conduct would create an emergency .
If the school district seeks to remove a student with an IEP from school grounds under this policy due to behaviors that constitute an emergency and the student ’ s IEP , IIIP , or behavior intervention plan authorizes the use of one or more restrictive procedures , the crisis team may employ those restrictive procedures , in addition to any reasonable force that may be necessary , to facilitate the student ’ s removal from school grounds , as long as the crisis team members who are implementing the restrictive procedures have received the training required by Minn . Stat § 125A . 0942 , Subd . 5 , and otherwise comply with the requirements of § 125A . 0942 .
G . Reporting to the Minnesota Department of Education ( MDE )
By June 30 of each year , the District shall report summary data on the use of restrictive procedures to the MDE , in a form and manner determined by the Minnesota Department of Education . The summary data shall include information about the use of restrictive procedures , including the use of reasonable force by school personnel that is consistent with the definition of physical holding or seclusion of a child with a disability .
Policy 529.0 : Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students Policy
In an effort to provide a safe school environment , the assigned classroom teacher and certain staff members should know whether a student to be placed in the classroom has a history of violent behavior . Additionally , decisions should be made regarding how to manage such a student .
This policy addresses staff notification of violent behavior by students . The purpose of this policy is to address the circumstances in which data should be provided to classroom teachers and other school staff members about students with a history of violent behavior and to establish a procedure for notifying staff regarding the placement of students with a history of violent behavior .
A . Any staff member or other employee of the school district who obtains or possesses information concerning a student in the building with a history of violent behavior shall immediately report said information to the principal of the building in which the student attends school .
B . The administration will meet with the assigned classroom teacher and other appropriate staff members for the purpose of notifying and determining how staff will manage such student .
C . Only staff members who have a legitimate educational interest in the information will receive notification .
III . The School Board authorizes administration to establish procedures for compliance with this policy as well as procedures for compliance with data privacy and notice requirements set forth in the District ’ s Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records policy .
A . Administration - “ Administration ” means the person or persons responsible for performing the school district ’ s obligations under this Policy including but not limited to the superintendent or his / her designee as well as school building principals or other designee .
B . Classroom Teacher - “ Classroom teacher ” means the instructional personnel responsible for the course or room to which a student is assigned at any given time , including a substitute hired in place of the classroom teacher .
C . History of Violent Behavior
1 . A student will be considered to have a history of violent behavior if incident ( s ) of violence , including any documented physical assault of a school district employee by the student , have occurred during the current or previous school year .
2 . If a student has an incident of violence during the current or previous school year , that incident and all other past related or similar incidents of violence will be reported .
D . Incident ( s ) of Violence - “ Incident ( s ) of violence ” means willful conduct in which a student endangers or causes physical injury to the student , other students , a school district employee , or surrounding person ( s ) or endangers or causes significant damage to school district property , regardless of whether related to a disability or whether discipline was imposed . Incident ( s ) of violence do not include injury or damage which is accidental or is the result of negligence . An incident of violence includes a violent incident described in notices received from either law enforcement or the juvenile courts . Administration is responsible for determining whether certain conduct meets the definition .
E . Legitimate Educational Interest - “ Legitimate educational interest ” includes interest directly related to classroom instruction , teaching , student achievement and progress , discipline of a student , student health and welfare , and the ability to respond to a request for educational data . It includes a person ’ s need to know in order to :
1 . Perform an administrative task required in the school or
48 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook