Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 42

D . Timelines and Notification to Parents / Guardians
1 . The parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of the target and / or the alleged offenders of bullying , harassment , violence or discrimination should be notified of the report before the close of the current school day , but not later than two school days of the report being filed , unless otherwise directed by law enforcement or required by law , or if in the professional judgment of the District notification is not warranted . The parents / guardians of both the target and the alleged offender ( s ) shall be notified if there is a physical assault , unless otherwise directed by law enforcement or required by law .
2 . Following the investigation , the person handling the complaint or a representative of the District will communicate with the target regarding the outcome of the investigation .
a . This communication will include the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of the student at the parent ’ s / guardian ’ s request if the student is under age 18 , or at the student ’ s request if over 18 .
b . If the investigation has not been completed within three school days , a verbal summary of the progress of the investigation will be given to the target at that time .
3 . The target and / or the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of the target may review any relevant data in the office of the employee completing the report if requested .
a . Copies of the data will not be released to a student but may be released to the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of the target upon request of the parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ).
b . The alleged offender ( s ) or his / her parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) may not examine or have access to the data unless a court order is received by the District . The alleged offender ( s ) or his / her parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) may not be informed of the individual identity of the reporter by any staff person investigating the complaint .
4 . The privacy and data privacy rights of all persons involved must be respected in accordance with current state and federal laws .
E . Who is Responsible for Carrying Out This Reporting Procedure
1 . When a report is made or referred to an administrator , that person or his or her designee is responsible for carrying out and documenting this reporting procedure .
2 . When a report is made or referred to the Title IX Designee , that person or his or her designee , is responsible for carrying out and documenting this reporting procedure .
3 . When a report is made to the superintendent , that person or his or her designee is responsible for carrying out and documenting this reporting procedure .
4 . The District ’ s 504 Coordinator or his or her designee , is responsible for carrying out and documenting this procedure in connection with complaints of disability harassment , violence or discrimination .
5 . Incidents that include violence as defined in this procedure should also be referred to the police liaison officer serving the building for a possible separate criminal investigation .
6 . When the report involves alleged harassment , violence or discrimination by a district employee or employee of an agency contracted by the District against a student , the investigation will be performed by the Title IX / Equity Coordinator .
F . Harassment or Violence as Abuse
1 . Under certain circumstances , alleged harassment or violence may also be possible abuse under Minnesota law . If so , the duties of mandatory reporting under Minnesota Statutes section 626.556 may be applicable .
2 . Nothing in this policy will prevent or prohibit the district from taking immediate action to protect victims of alleged harassment , violence or abuse .
There will be no retaliation against any target or reporter of harassment , violence or discrimination under this policy , nor against any person who participates in an investigation . The district will take appropriate action against any student , teacher , administrator or other district employee who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report , who testifies , assists or participates in an investigation , or who testifies , assists or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to the report . Retaliation includes , but is not limited to , any form of intimidation , reprisal or harassment .
If the report or grievance has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the target of harassment , violence or discrimination , s / he may appeal to the human rights officer if a district employee , or the Title IX / Equity Coordinator if a student , within ten ( 10 ) school days of receipt of the findings of the district investigation . The district investigator will conduct a review of the appeal and , within ten ( 10 ) school days of receipt of the appeal , will affirm , reverse , or modify the findings of the report . The decision of the district investigator is final .
If there is a conflict of interest with respect to any party affected by this policy , appropriate accommodations will be made , such as , but not limited to , appointing or contracting with a neutral thirdparty investigator to conduct the investigation , or recusing from the process the person for whom a conflict or potential conflict of interest exists .
These procedures do not deny the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse which may include filing charges with the agencies identified below , or initiating an action in state or federal court .
Minnesota Department of Human Rights Freeman Building 625 Robert Street North St . Paul , MN 55155 toll free : 800.657.3704 tty : 651.296.1283 ax : 651.296.9042
40 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook