Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 4

Being absent , arriving late and leaving early Attendance ........................................ 4 Compulsory education law ............................. 4 Absent or late to school ............................... 4 Early dismissal ..................................... 4 Unexcused absences and tardies ........................ 4 Release of students : late arrival / leaving early ............... 5 Dropping off items .................................. 5 Unusual happenings Cancellation of school ................................ 5 Cold weather questions and answers ..................... 5 In a school emergency ................................ 6 Field trips ......................................... 6 Breakfast , lunch and snacks Breakfast , lunch and after-school snacks .................. 6 Meal account management ............................ 6 Apply for free or reduced-price meals ..................... 7 Unpaid meal account charges and debt collection procedures ... 7 Special diet accommodations ........................... 7 Homemade food and snacks ........................... 7 Providing healthy food options to classrooms ............... 7 Staying healthy and safe Make sure your child is immunized ....................... 8 Early childhood screening .............................. 8 Vision and hearing screenings .......................... 8 Is my child well enough for school ?. ................. 8 , 10-11 Medication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Minnesota Health Care Programs ........................ 9 Latex allergies and balloons ............................ 9 Indoor air quality .................................... 9 Pesticide use notification ............................. 12 Asbestos notification ................................ 12 Lead in the water management plan ..................... 12 Radon in schools testing plan ......................... 12 Bicycles and bicycle rack ............................. 12 Scooters , skateboards , in-line skates , and roller tennis shoes .. 12 Nuisance and hazardous items ( toys , electronic devices , etc .) .. 12 Searching lockers and desks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Canine building and grounds sweeps at the secondary level .... 13 Special programs and services Alternative programs for middle and high school students ..... 13 Right to free education until 21 years of age ............... 13
Options for success in high school or to return and earn a diploma ........................ 13
Special education services for early childhood .............. 14 Special education services for kindergarten through 21 ....... 14 What about parent support ........................... 14 Section 504 ...................................... 14 School-age care ................................... 14 Title 1 .......................................... 15 Parents , visitors and volunteers Parents ’ role in homework at the secondary level ........... 15 Media center accommodations ......................... 15 Parenting is challenging ... resources for you . .............. 15


Visitors .......................................... 15 Volunteers ....................................... 16 Procedures for concerns , complaints .................... 16 Student information Guidelines for use of student photos .................... 16 Do you need student data ? ........................... 16 What my child will learn this year ....................... 16 State and district test information ...................... 17 Calendars for the 2022-23 school year Grades K-12 ............................... inside cover Elementary Digital Days ...................... outside cover
Bullying / Cyberbullying , Policy 514.0 ........................ 20
Chemicals / Controlled Substances , Policy 533.3 ............... 22 Policy in Practice : Chemicals / Controlled Substances ......... 23
Student Discipline , Policy 506.0 ........................... 25
Violations or unacceptable acts : Attire / grooming ............................. 25 , 27 Controlled substances ............................ 26 Criminal activity ................................. 27 Disruption .................................... 27 Electronic devices ............................... 26 Property ................................... 27 , 28 School rules ............................. 25 , 26 , 29 Slanderous materials ......................... 25 , 27 Tobacco ...................................... 26 Traffic rules ................................... 27
Transportation ................................. 27 Truancy ....................................... 26
Weapons ................................ 26 , 27 , 28 Policy in Practice : Physical Aggression / Fighting ............. 30 Policy in Practice : Guidelines for Student Threats to Staff ..... 32 Policy in Practice : School Bus Discipline Rules and Regulations . 32
Equal Educational Opportunity , Policy 102.0 .................. 33
Policy in Practice : Equal Educational Opportunity Policy – Guidance ................................. 34
Harassment , Policy 413.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Policy in Practice : The Language of Harassment ............ 41
Hazing Prohibition , Policy 526.0 ........................... 42 Non-discrimination of Individuals with Disabilities , Policy 521.0 .... 43 Parental Contact , Policy 903.2 ............................ 44 Pledge of Allegiance , Policy 531.0 ......................... 44 Pupil Fair Dismissal Act , MN Statute 121A . 46 ................. 44 Reasonable Force Standard , MN Statute 121A . 582 ............ 46 Student Records , Policy 515.1 ........................... 46
Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPS From School Grounds , Policy 532.0 ........................ 46
Staff Notification of Violent Behavior , Policy 529.0 ............. 48
Electronic Information , Communication and Technology , Policy 524.2 .. 50 Guidelines for Acceptable Use ......................... 51
Video Surveillance , Policy 712.0 ........................... 55 Visitors , Policy 903.1 .................................. 56 Wellness , Policy 533.5 ................................. 57 Unpaid meal account charges and debt collection procedures ..... 60
2 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook