Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 37

It is the District ’ s policy to provide equal educational opportunity for all students . No student shall be discriminated against on the basis of any protected characteristic , including sex / gender . The District does not deny any student access to the benefits and opportunities of its educational programs . The District provides for a student complaint and appeal process if a student claims the District denied them an equal educational opportunity or violated the student ’ s rights under this Guidance . Information on how to file a complaint is contained in Harassment , Violence and Discrimination Policy 413.0 and Harassment , Violence , Discrimination or Bullying Report Form 413.0F .
Contact the Director of Student Services at 763-506-1017 for additional information .
Policy 413.0 : Harassment , Violence and Discrimination Policy
Note : Discipline Policy 506.0 also addresses harassment . It states : “ Violations against persons communicated or attempted to be communicated by any means . Such violations include but are not limited to : verbal and / or nonverbal intimidation / threats ; stalking ; obstruction ; assault ; fighting ; extortion ; bullying , racial harassment ; harassment on the basis of disability ; sexual harassment / violence ; indecent exposure ; hazing .”
It is the policy of the Anoka-Hennepin School District No . 11 to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from harassment , violence or discrimination based on actual or perceived race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , familial status , disability , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , age , family care leave status or veteran status . The district prohibits any form of harassment , violence or discrimination based on actual or perceived protected class status .
It will be a violation of this policy for any student or district employee to ( 1 ) harass a student or district employee through conduct or communication ( e . g ., physical , verbal , graphic or written ) or to ( 2 ) inflict , threaten to inflict or attempt to inflict violence ; or to ( 3 ) discriminate against a student or District employee based on that student ’ s or employee ’ s actual or perceived protected class status .
This policy applies to all of the academic and nonacademic ( for example , athletic and extracurricular ) programs of the district and will be enforced before , during , or after school hours on all school property , including the school bus , school functions , or events held at other locations . The policy also applies to any offcampus conduct that causes or threatens to cause a substantial and material disruption at school , or interferes with the rights of students or employees to be free from a hostile school environment taking into consideration the totality of the circumstances on and off campus .
The district will investigate all complaints of harassment , violence or discrimination — whether formal or informal , verbal or written — based on a student ’ s or district employee ’ s actual or perceived protected class status , and will discipline or take appropriate action against any student or District employee who is found to have violated this policy . Appropriate administrative and staff follow-up will be provided for targets and offenders of harassment , violence and discrimination .
While this policy addresses the reporting and responses to harassment , violence or discrimination , the district recognizes the importance of preventing harassment , violence and discrimination before it occurs through ongoing practices , programs and training . The district shall implement violence prevention and character development education programs to prevent and reduce policy violations . Such programs may offer instruction on character education including , but not limited to , character qualities such as attentiveness , truthfulness , respect for authority , diligence , gratefulness , self-discipline , patience , forgiveness , respect for others , peacemaking , and resourcefulness .
A . District employee . For purposes of this policy , district employee includes school board members , district employees , agents , volunteers , contractors / vendors , or persons subject to the supervision and control of the district .
B . Discriminate . The term “ discriminate ” includes segregate or separate and , for purposes of discrimination based on sex , it includes sexual harassment .
C . Harassment . Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , familial status , disability , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , age , family care leave status or veteran status . A single incident of harassment may implicate more than one protected class . For example , a student may be targeted because of his race and sexual orientation .
1 . Harassing conduct may take many forms , including but not limited to verbal acts and name-calling , as well as nonverbal behavior that is physically threatening , harmful , or humiliating . Harassment includes the use of derogatory language , intimidation , and threats ; unwanted physical contact or physical violence ; and the use of derogatory language and images in graffiti , pictures or drawings , notes , e-mails , electronic postings and / or phone or text messages related to a person ’ s membership in a protected class . Harassment includes behavior that may not be directed at a particular person , but may instead consist of harassing conduct ( e . g . physical , verbal , graphic , or written ) that creates a hostile environment for students or employees .
2 . Conduct is unwelcome if the student or employee did not request or invite it and considered the conduct to be undesirable or offensive . Submission or failure to complain does not mean that the conduct was welcome ; the circumstances must be examined .
3 . With respect to students , a “ hostile environment ” exists when harassment is sufficiently severe , persistent , or pervasive to interfere with or limit one or more students ’ abilities to participate in or benefit from the education program .
4 . With respect to district employees , a “ hostile environment ” exists when harassment is sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to alter the conditions of the victim ’ s employment and create an abusive working environment .
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 35