Policies Policies 031819 | Page 20

Headache; Vomiting. ● ● If you come across someone with the above symptoms of HEAT STRESS during hot weather take the following actions: If during school hours CALL THE NURSE 242 Try to get the person to a cooler environment; Lay the person down; Cool them by applying cool, wet towels/ice packs around the neck and underarms, spray with water; and If conscious, give cool fluids (preferably water) to drink. Monitor their condition for carefully for any deterioration. ● ● ● ● ● ● CRITICAL – DROWSINESS / UNCONSCIOUSNESS AND HOT DRY SKIN ARE DEFINITE INDICATORS OF HEAT STROKE. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. 8-4 P.M. YOU SHOULD RING THE NURSE 242 IMMEDIATELY AND ASK FOR AN AMBULANCE. AFTER 4 P.M., CALL AN AMBULANCE 119 ON YOUR MOBILE PHONE In the Classroom l Ensure all students are aware of heat safety. ● ● Rearrange activity schedule, where possible, to minimise physical exertion in the heat. Keep the classroom cool and well air-conditioned if possible. (Students may feel the heat more than you.) Avoid using a fan when the indoor temperature is higher than 37°C (body temperature). Ensure students continue to hydrate and monitor the hydration of students with medical conditions. ● ● Break/recess and lunchtime: playing safely ● Make sure students stay out of the sun and where possible increase access to the coolest areas of the school buildings and grounds. ● Ensure water is freely available to all. ● Students should be encouraged to drink plenty of water regularly and wear a hat and sunscreen while outside. ● Watch for signs of heat-related illness and if mild, remove student from heat and initiate cooling, if more severe seek immediate medical assistance. PE and sports Heat related illness and injury consequent upon exercise can be severe and in some cases fatal. The danger of heat related illness and injury must never be underestimated. Heat stress during exercise needs to be carefully managed. The management of exercise during extreme heat is particularly important in the case of children and young adults The management of personnel who may be acting as officials is also particularly important. www.issh.ac.jp [email protected] Revised on March 18, 2019 20