other competitions of
that nature, but with that I
think there will also come
and appreciation for Pole
Arts and creativity, which
will probably lead to more
shows and competitions
focusing on that so I think
both will thrive.
er, what would you say to
T: That sounds great! K: Don’t get caught up
What is the hardest thing
in pole dance for you? (it in forcing yourself to learn
could be a trick or just a and nail every single trick
out there, not every trick
is going to suit your body,
and not every trick needs
I’m a perfectionist, to be in the one routine.
I agree. What is your which can be quite drain- Enjoy it and don’t forget
favorite trick if you have ing. I wish I could appre- why you love pole. Xx
ciate my work more often,
I’ve never been 100% hapThank you for the
py with any show I’ve ever
It changes all the done, something could al- interview and I am really
looking forward to see you
time depending on what ways be better.
in March!
I’m working, but at the moment I’m really liking a dynamic drop combo that I
Kristy, if you could
do from the top of the Pole speak to every pole dancMe too!
landing at the bottom in a
Autorkou rozhovoru
s Kristy Sellars
je Tereza Seidlová
z pražského studia