Recently Czech Republic able to save all the money I
had the honor to welcome
was earning.
the young American pole
dance star Charlee Shae
PM: So you were studyWagner who visited us on
ing, cheerleading and
the occasion of her Euroworking. That must have
pean tour. Charlee taught
been really difficult!
3 workshops the Prague’s
Firefly studio and they
CH: I must say it was not
were loaded with interesteasy at all. I had two full
ing combos and breath- time jobs but when I think
taking drops.
of it now I think it was a
great preparation for the
And who actually is this
life to come. And thanks
lady and how did she start
to the money I saved I
pole dancing?
was able to devote all my
Charlee was born in 1992 efforts to pole dance later
in Utah, where she spent
her entire childhood.
These days she lives in PM: So how did you get to
sunny Mexico with her
start pole dancing
boyfriend that she met
thanks to pole dance.
As a child she did tumCH: It was actually my
bling, which is an exermother who got me into
cise where the athletes pole dancing! It was in the
perform a series of jumps beginning of 2011 and she
and tricks on a long flexwanted me to come with
ible spring track. During
her to a lesson. I think I
her studies at Weber State don’t even need to mention
University she joined the
that I got totally hooked
cheerleading group called on this sport and I started
Cheetz Cheerleading and spending every free minute
she had been with them
in a studio.
for 7 long years.
PM: Is your mom still pole
CH: Thanks to cheerdancing?
leading I got an academic
scholarship that covered CH: Of course! Sometimes
all the expenses connectwe even find the time to
ed with my studies. I was
train together! But unforreally lucky, as I loved tunately we are both short
cheerleading; it helped me
on free time. I do a lot of
stay in shape plus thanks teaching and travel all the
to the scholarship I was
time and she’s very busy
with her job. My mother is
actually a yoga instructor
as well as a fantastic massage therapist.
PM: Your first pole dance
steps must have been real
fun. But I believe soon you
must have been far ahead
of your mom and your
fellow pole dancers.
CH: Well, it’s true. I trained
a lot by myself and then
with Becca Butcher, who
went from being my pole
instructor to being my best
PM: Becca Butcher was
the first pole star that ever
visited Czech Republic.
That was in 2011. Since
then we have not heard
much about her. Can you
tell us what she’s been up
to recently?
CH: Becca is doing great!
She lives in Nevada with
her boyfriend and children
and they do falconry together! She is focused on
her new passion in her life
right now, and I couldn’t be
happier for her!
PM: Well, we’re really happy for her too. But back
to yourself - after some
time you started competing. The first competition
you have won was NAPA,
where you won the “trick
battle” and then you took