PM: Do you believe that pole
dance will really become an
Olympic sport and when do you
think it could happen?
tricks? And if you do what are
they called?
A: I don’t know. I really don’t
know. I think the stereotype
around it is too big.
A: This is a tough question.
You can think that you invented
something but at the same time
somebody in another part of the
world is doing the same trick.
So I better say no))))
PM: In your opinion is pole dance
actually more of a sport or an
PM: Do you ever suffer from
stage fright? What do you do
when it happens?
A: We have it all. You can find
all kind of championships in our
world. Sport, art, dance, exotic,
contemporary pole and now acrobatic pole as well.
A: Oh always :)) I’m getting nervous so quickly. And I cannot do
anything about it. But it alwa ys
gives you a lot of power. So on
other hand it can be good ;)
PM: Another question we simply
need to ask everyone. What is
your favorite pole move (trick)?
PM: What advice would you give
to the pole dancers that would
like to start competing?
A: I really love the Rainbow, the
Russian split and the one handed
A: Don’t think about winning. Just
try to do your best. And think
positive. Every competition is a
great step forward and a great
PM: Do you have any signature
Hire a professional
choreographer, who will help you
with an act. It is very important.
PM: Are you planning to come to
The Czech republic anytime soon
A: I would love to. It is such a
beautiful country with very lovely
Autorka článku: Denisa Nováková
Foto: archiv Anastasie