Pole dance in the world
With Pantera Blacksmith
about pole dance and its
Denisa: Do you consider pole dance more of an art or a sport?
Pantera: It’s good to have options. Some people do not want to do it as an art some do not want to
do it as a sport. But you always get the benefits. For me it will always be exotic and fitness is just side
effects. It’s what it is famous for anyway. The mental benefits, women feeling great, having fun. I think
some of the best studious that I have visited do not even compete. I think that through pole dance
women team up, it’s like the biggest strip club in the world.
Denisa: Do you do any other sports?
Pantera: I try to do a variety of sports and stuff but I am not really active like in pole dancing. I am not
really active in a bunch of other sports. I play them and I participate but I am not on any other teams
or anything.
Denisa: What about your diet? Is it somehow special?
Pantera: I eat real food, animals and plants. I eat less but more often. When I have a cheat day I like to
eat ice cream, chips, donuts, burgers and pizza. But I try not to cheap because as soon as you crack the
door it all goes bam.
Denisa: What is your biggest motivation in life and in pole dance?