Pole Fitness Shorts For Your Next Pole Dance Classes Pole Fitness Shorts For Your Next Pole Dance Class | Page 7
Common Mistakes People Make When Choosing Shorts For Pole
Dancing Class
Mistake #1: You might think any old shorts will do for
pole dance fitness and your first instinct might be to run
down to Target and buy a pair of regular running
shorts. This is a bad idea for many reasons. First, most
fitness shorts (like running shorts for example) are fit
loose around the leg. While lose fitting shorts might be
cute and comfortable, they will also show your crotch
when you do a wide leg stretch in pole dance class! Mistake #2: Buying pole fitness clothing that digs or
pinches the skin. Clothing that digs or pinches the
skin not only creates an ugly “pooch” on the skin, but
it’s uncomfortable and lacks the flexing in the material
necessary to execute many dance movements.
There are many pole dancing moves that require you to
keep the legs out wide to the side. Any short that isn’t
properly fitted on the thigh will show your panties to the
whole class so beware. Mistake #3: Buying shorts that are very long, like
biker spandex. Any short that runs down to the knee
isn’t going to allow for proper grip in the pole with
your inner thighs, causing you to slip down the pole.