Poland & We Poland & We | Page 11


The first inhabitants of Poland lived in a village called Stetkivtsi. The first inhabitants of Poland called Skews. The Scythians were brave and strong. Skews this great tribe that was founded centuries before our premieres. Little Poland was officially founded in the year 877. By the time they lived in shacks looking modern tents.


Poland has many interesting traditions. Some are known in other countries, some aren't. Most of Polish people are very religious and we have many traditions for Easter (painting eggs, blessing food, Easter Bunny gives presents to children, wet monday, egg fight – which one's shell will break first?) and for Christmas (Santa Claus leaves presents for children under decorated Christmas Tree on 24th of December, 12 kinds of food – main dish is carp, sharing hostia with best wishes). There's also Independence Day on 11th of November, and on this day everybody is decorating houses with Polish flags. This is a very happy day for every Pole and many events are going on, mostly in Warsaw. There are also many traditional dialects, costumes and dances.