Point Of Hope - Issue26 - February 2016 February 2016 | Page 6
Int o Ful l ness
"To fill or cover (something)
To be completely filled with
something: to be so filled
that there is not enough
room for anything or
anyone more."
Merriam-Webster: Dictionary
God desires to take us beyond receiving
information about Him and into ever-greater
depths of His heart ? to experience the fullness of
Him. Fullness stems from a Greek word, pl?r?ma,
and means that which is (has been) filled. [i] To be
filled with the fullness of God is to be filled with
His attributes ? one of which is His LOVE. It is to
overflow with Him in every way. Webster?s
Dictionary defines 'overflow' as "to fill or cover
(something) completely. Or to be completely filled
with something: to be so filled that there is not
enough room for anything or anyone more." I like
the thought of being so filled with God?s love that I
have no room for anything else. This means to have
no fear ? no shame ? no doubt ? no bitterness ? and
no resentment; we just completely overflow in Him.
To overflow in God is to LOVE Him with all of our
heart. It is to love others (and ourselves) with HIS
amazing love.
Numbers are very important to God. Otherwise, He
wouldn?t have a book in the Bible called Numbers.
In researching the number 16, I found it is symbolic
for love and loving. I believe as we enter into this
New Year of 2016, God desires each heart receive a
greater revelation and realization of His LOVE.
"Revelation is the key that
unlocks our captive heart.
Realization is the manifestation of
His truth working within our life."
February 2016
Point of Hope Magazine