Point Of Hope - Issue26 - February 2016 February 2016 | Page 4
For the last couple of months, I have been on a
sabbatical? a season God designed especially to
draw me closer to Him. I relinquished my
responsibilities and set aside this time to be with
God. It was critical for my well-being; I also
understood it to be mandatory for the welfare of
the ministry. To be honest, what surprised me
most was my initial response. I was not fearful of
losing the momentum we had within the ministry.
Nor was I insecure about relinquishing my
responsibilities. I had such utter peace over my
whole being. Why? What caused such utter peace
within my being? I believe it was because I was
rooted and grounded in LOVE.
become all I designed you to be. A season of
relinquishing your greatest fears and truly
becoming dependent upon Me.?
Wit hhol ding In Fear?
What does every heart l ong f or?
How many times has God asked something of you,
but you withheld because of fear? How many times
has God asked you to go in a different direction, but
you ceased to move in that direction because of
your insecurities? As I pen these words, I hear the
LORD say, ?Stop relying on your own
understanding. Stop striving. Stop trying to
maintain. This is a new season I have designed
specifically for you ? a season that requires you to
abide in Me and to completely understand the love I
have toward you. A season where you blossom and
LOVE! A heart longs to experience love and know
it is for who she (or he) is ? without any
pretensions or conditions. Yet, so many of us
guard our hearts for fear of rejection and
abandonment. Yet, when we position our hearts
bare before God, we expose ourselves completely
to Him. Webster?s Dictionary defines 'bare' as
"lacking a natural, usual, or appropriate covering or
open to view:exposed."
February 2016
Point of Hope Magazine
I want to encourage you! Be bold! Ask God these
questions: ?Will You, Father God, show me the
length, width, height and depth of Your love??
?God, will You remove every barrier keeping me
from experiencing Your love in the way You intend
for me?? These are not casual questions but
promote the heart to open itself up in the very
Presence of God. It will cause the heart to become
completely bare. The irony of this situation is the
very thing you desire will be the very thing you
will try to shield and protect.
What is hidden deeply within your heart that God is