Poetry Is 2017 Poetry is 2018 6M | Page 8

Poetry is a galaxy, full of different worlds and essences.


The poem I chose is The Car Trip by Michael Rosen. I can relate to fighting with a brother, especially in the car. I find it funny and think that on long journeys there is almost always moaning. I like how the words flow together, and how, despite being more of a story, it is performed as a poem. I especially like how as soon as they’re back in the car and off again, they start complaining again. Michael Rosen changes his face into different expressions to exaggerate points, which is really funny.

The Car Trip

Michael Rosen

Mum says "Right you two, This is a long car journey, I'm driving and I can't drive properly if you two are going mad in the back, do you understand?"

So we go "Okay Mum, okay, don't worry about it" and off we go, and we start the moaning.

"Can I have a drink? I want some crisps; can I open my window?

He's got my book. Get off me! That's my ear!”

And Mum tries to be exciting. "Look out the window, there's a lamp post."

And then we go on "Can I have a sweet? He's sitting on me. Are we nearly there?

Don't scratch! You never tell him off. Now he's biting his nails. I want a drink, I want a drink."

And Mum tries to be exciting again. "Look out the window, there's a tree."

Then we go on, “My hands are sticky. He's playing with the door handle now.

I feel a bit sick actually. Your nose is all runny. Don't pull my hair! He's punching me, Mum!

That's really dangerous, you know?! Mum! He's spitting!"

And Mum says, "Right! I'm stopping the car, I am stopping the car!"

She stops the car, "Now, if you two don't stop it, I'm going to put you out the car and leave you by the side of the road."

"He started it!" "No he started..." *FACEPALM*

"I don't care who started it, I can't drive properly if you two go mad in the back, do you understand?"

And we go "Okay Mum, okay, Don't worry about it."

"Can I have a drink?"