Poetry Anthology Poetry Anthology | Page 2

They put a leather belt around her

13 feet of tape and bound her

Handcuffs to secure her

And only God knows what else,

She's illegal, so deport her

Said the Empire that brought her

She died,

Nobody killed her

And she never killed herself.

It is our job to make her

Return to Jamaica

Said the Alien Deporters

Who deports people like me,

It was said she had a warning

That the officers were calling

On that deadly July morning

As her young son watched TV.

An officer unplugged the phone

Mother and child were now alone

When all they wanted was a home

A child watch Mummy die,

No matter what the law may say

A mother should not die this way

Let human rights come into play

And to everyone apply.

I know not of a perfect race

I know not of a perfect place

I know this is not a simple case

Of Yardies on the move,

We must talk some Race Relations

With the folks from immigration

About this kind of deportation

If things are to improve.

The Death of Joy Gardner