PODS Digital P02399_IF_Booklet-Digital | Page 4

10 TIPS FOR A LOW-STRESS MOVE Notify your bank about your upcoming PODS transactions. Transportation charges could exceed your daily debit or credit card limit Schedule your Service Providers to arrive at least one day after the container has been delivered. Find out if you’ll need a placement permit or if there are delivery restrictions at your current or future residence. Make sure to reserve three spaces per container for parking lot deliveries. Clear a paved surface that’s approximately 12′ wide, offers 16' height in clearance and is deep enough to accommodate the length of your container(s). We’ll give you a call between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. the night before your move to give you the estimated service window, Clear the delivery area of any obstructions, such as basketball hoops, branches or wires. Expect a call from the driver on the delivery day when they’re on the way. Make sure your container is locked when you’re ready for it to be picked up. Schedule your empty container pick-up prior to your monthly billing date to avoid paying an extra fee. Make sure the container is unlocked and cleaned out. FIRST STEPS HOW WILL I BE BILLED? 10 TIPS FOR A LOW-STRESS MOVE LOADING HACKS MOVING CHECKLIST