Pocklington School Prospectus Pocklington School Prospectus | Page 8
Middle and Lower School
A love of learning, respect for others, the confidence to embrace challenge
and an enthusiasm for the world beyond the classroom are among the
hallmarks of a Pocklington School education.
In the Lower School, pupils enjoy developing independent learning skills
and taking intellectual risks without the pressure of public exams. Extensive
co-curricular activities allow them to develop the discipline of regular
practice and commitment while enjoying a change of focus and having fun.
They also help pupils build their communication, teamwork and leadership
skills, which boosts self-esteem.
The Middle School nurtures students as they begin to make decisions
about their future and spurs them on to individual endeavour and discovery.
Specialist staff stretch and challenge each student, helping them perform
their individual best in examinations and to develop the confidence and
resilience to cope with life’s challenges.
Lower School and Middle School are strong and caring communities where
staff take a close interest in pupils’ wellbeing. Pupils are visited at their prep/
primary school and at home before they join, and house tutors provide
individual guidance and encouragement to every pupil. Regular inter-house
competitions boost camaraderie across the year groups. Our excellent
all-round education equips each pupil to develop their strength
and resilience.
“You get a sense that we are all in it
together. There is a lot of pride in
the school.”