Pocklington School Newsletter Summer 2022 Summer 2022 | Page 3

Lower School

The Summer term is busy and exciting for the Lower School as we welcome our new First Years and their families for their Induction Day , whilst preparing to say goodbye to our Second Years who will make the step up to the Middle School from September . The Summer assessments delivered an important challenge to our Lower School pupils in May and the results and approach during the week gave our pupils a huge amount to be proud of . The Lower School production of Treasure Island was wonderful with incredible performances from everyone on stage and behind the scenes . I must mention the
Second Year ambitio research projects that have given our pupils the chance to dig deep and investigate an area of life that inspires or interests them . The titles have varied massively , and the presentations have been incredible - so well done to all . Congratulations must also go to our First Years who settled in so quickly at the beginning of the year and they have gone on to have a hugely positive impact across the school - well done to you too . I wish you all a well-deserved , restful summer break .
Samantha Hughes , Head of Lower School

Middle School

Summer term , rather like our actual summer ( in this country at least ), can be a mixed bag . Our eldest Middle Schooler ’ s begin to move away from their familiar environs , and our younger years have some space and time to acclimatise ahead of moving up a year from September .
The Fifth Year have navigated an exam period lasting a month and a half . These exams , the first taken since before Covid , will prove to be the making of them , I am sure . To celebrate the end of their exams , a celebratory ‘ Night at the Oscar ’ evening was held . The Hollywood-themed evening saw a dazzling array of ball gowns and sharp tailoring . Thank you to Mrs Hughes , Gruggen Middle School Housemistress , for making it happen .
The Fourth Year are now ten months or so away from their own public exams , and along with the Third Year , took their internal exams this term . To support the next leg of that journey , Fourth Year students have begun an Exam Review process , devised by Mr Braidwood-Smith , Wilberforce Middle School Housemaster , which is being delivered as part of this year ’ s Tutor Programme .
For the Third Year , this term marks the final few weeks before they embark on the full range of GCSEs from September . Acting as a balance to strictly academic concerns , the whole year was off timetable for two days to sample a range of CCF activities . I hope they all sign up to follow the programme next year .
Inaayat Hashim , Head of Middle School

Sixth Form

As I reach the end of my second year at Pocklington School , I can reflect on just how fabulous this year has been . Our Upper Sixth students have built upon the solid foundations they laid last year and put themselves in a very strong position to achieve excellent outcomes in the summer . Our Lower Sixth students have risen to the challenges of higher-level study and fully grasped the diverse range of exciting opportunities on offer . Above all they have demonstrated resilience , kindness and ambition in abundance !
In recent weeks we have appointed our impressive new student leaders into a wide range of positions of responsibility and we have been focusing on the process of post-18 options . We have also held our annual Sixth Form Taster Day for all students who have applied to start their Sixth Form journey at Pocklington in September .
Tim Morris , Head of Sixth Form