Pocklington School - Allawalla Tingle Oct 2016



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The hard work of Pocklington School ’ s GCSE and A Level students paid off this summer , with an excellent set of results across the board topped by some particularly impressive individual performances .
At GCSE level , 19 pupils gained 10 or more A * and A grades , while more than 75 % pupils were awarded A * or A grades in Biology , Chemistry , Computer Science , Greek , Latin and PE . The overall GCSE A * -C pass rate , including Maths and English , was 95.7 %.
The commitment and extra effort put in by our Sixth Form pupils was rewarded by 37.5 % of the A Levels taken resulting in A * or A grades . In addition , 23 % of the year group achieved three A grades or above .
Three of our pupils gained entry to Cambridge or Oxford Universities , while 46 % achieved places at one of the Russell Group of leading research universities . In addition , a total of 53 % of students were accepted at one of the country ’ s top 30 universities on the Sutton Trust List .
Pocklington School ’ s wide-ranging curriculum , which encourages students to pursue their own interests alongside the core learning aims , is reflected in the diverse range of courses our departing Upper Sixth Formers have embarked upon .
As well as the traditional destinations and subjects , students ’ next steps included studying Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science at
Coventry University ; Geology with Ocean Science at Plymouth University ; and Product Design at Nottingham Trent University .
Mark Ronan , Headmaster , said : “ This excellent set of results at both GCSE and A Level is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our students , along with the unstinting support of their teachers and the pastoral team .
“ We see it as our job to inspire pupils for life , by encouraging them to take control of their own learning , nurturing their natural curiosity and challenging them to take an individual approach to each subject .
“ Our careers advisor takes the time to get to know each student , to help them identify and achieve their aims , whether it is further study or employment . Many of our students have exceeded their expectations this year , which makes me particularly proud . Congratulations to them all and I wish them every continued success .”
The 19 GCSE students who achieved outstanding individual results were : Beth Noble 12A *; Elgan Powell 11A *, 2A ; Flo Bean 10A *, 2A ; Louisa Cullen 1A * with Distinction , 9A *, 1A ; Josephine Wareham 10A *, 1A ; Emma Burke , 9A *, 2A ; Georgia Robson 9A *, 2A ; Sarah Jackson 9A *, 1A ; Cordie Cavill 1A * with Distinction , 7A *, 3A ; Lucy Garvin 8A *, 2A ; Alex Moss 8A *, 2A , B ; Fergus Croston 7A *, 3A ; Kieran Wilde 7A *, 3A , B ; Brandon Yeoh 5A *, 5A , C ; Jimmy Wraith 5A *, 5A ;
Emily Crockford 4A *, 6A ; Alice Mowforth 4A *, 7A ; Ed Dare 4A *, 6A ; and Katherine Fuller 3A *, 7A . ( Double A * in Further Maths is classed as an A * with Distinction ).
Our Oxbridge-bound students were : Katrina Summerton ( 3A * - Biology , Chemistry , Mathematics ), who is reading Veterinary Science at Cambridge ; George Heywood ( 3A * A - Mathematics , Further Mathematics , Physics , Politics ), who is studying Engineering at Oxford ; and Peter Micklem-Cooper , who won a place to read Music with a Choral Scholarship at Oxford .
Pocklington ’ s other top achievers were : Ed Wightman ( 3A * - Biology , Chemistry , Mathematics ), who is reading Medicine and Surgery at Newcastle ; Oliver Peeke-Vout ( 2A * 2A - Mathematics , Further Mathematics , Physics , Economics ), who is studying Mathematical Sciences at Bath ; Florence Judge-Clayden ( 2A * 2A - Biology , Latin , Chemistry , Mathematics ), who is applying to read Medicine ; Olivia El Jassar ( 2A * A - Biology , Chemistry , French ), who is reading Medicine at Sheffield ; Georgie Fenny ( 2A * A - Business Studies , Photography , Art ), who has gone to Manchester for an Art Foundation ; Natasha Leach ( 2A * A - Business Studies , Geography , Physical Education ), who is studying Marketing at Newcastle ; and Jenson Yan ( 2A * A B - Mathematics , Further Mathematics , Chinese , Physics ), who is reading Mathematics and Statistics at Manchester .