Pocklington School - Allawalla Tingle November 2014

ity Scholarships and Exhibitions mun Our increasingly diverse global com UPCOMING EVENTS New scholars and exhibitioners for the year beginning September 2014. Dolman Scholarship (11+) Zaira Gurung Mark your calendars Dolman Exhibitions (11+) Eunae Charlton-Harrison – Warter School Henry Kay – Pocklington Prep School Ben Ryan – Pocklington Community Jnr School Gruggen Scholarships (13+) Grace Birch – Pocklington School, Emma Farnsworth – Pocklington School , Jack Roberts – Pocklington School, Tom Bean – Pocklington School AND BABY GROUP Pocklington Prep School TODDLER Pocklington Pre-Prep School at Come and join our regular sessions during term time Stay and Play on Mondays from 8.30am-10 am Messy Play on Wednesdays from 10am-11.30am All pre-school children, babies and their carers welcome Gruggen Exhibition (13+) Hamish Broadbent – (The Minster School), Jonty Goddard – Pocklington School Gruggen Exhibition (16+) Amy Johns – Pocklington School Hutton Scholarship (16+) Sarah Lancaster – Pocklington School Parents, Old Pocklingtonians and Friends of the school are always welcome to come and support our pupils on the sports field, on the stage and at other events during the year. The following list is just a selection of this term's events. A full list can be found on the school website calendar. Hutton Exhibition (16+) Amy Redhead – Pocklington School Katie Wagstaff – Pocklington School Music Scholarships Hamish Broadbent – The Minster School Tom Baarda – Pocklington School Lily Dowdy – The Minster School Harry Scutt – Pocklington School Music and Drama Senior School Play – Great Expectations Tuesday 11 November, 7.30pm Wednesday 12 November, 7.30pm Thursday 13 November, 7.30pm Parents’ Evenings and Events 4th Year Parents’ Evening Tuesday 18 November, 7pm Other School Events Sixth Form Symposium Lecture: Mathematics – by Stephen Connor, University Of York Thursday 6 November 4pm ALLAWALLA Sixth Form Symposium Lecture: Music – Why Does Music Make Us Feel? by Martin Kettlewell Thursday 13 November 4pm Sixth Form Symposium Lecture: PE – Sports Movies Suck – Skill, Ability and Hollywood, 4pm Exeat Weekend Sat 22 and 23 November CCF: RAF Cranwell Ground Training Competition, RAF Cranwell Saturday 22 November, 8am NOV 14 EDITION 13 Year 6 Parents’ Evening Tuesday 25 November, 4pm Lower School Christmas Party in the Music School Friday 5 December, 7pm 1st Year Parents’ Evening Thursday 22 January, 7pm Boarders’ Christmas Carol Service and Dinner Monday 8 December 5.30pm 2nd Year Parents’ Evening Thursday 5 February, 7pm Sixth Form Symposium Lecture: Religious Studies – Some real Philosophy by Professor Tom Stoneham, Head of Philiosophy at University of York. Thursday 11 December, 4pm Pre-Prep Nativity Thursday 4 December, 4pm Friends’ Events Friends of Pocklington School Christmas Ball Saturday 13 December, 7pm Pocklington Prep School Carol Service Wednesday 10 December, 4pm All Saints, Pocklington Pocklington School Carol Service Friday 12 December, 11am All Saints, Pocklington Dayana Yamilova (5th Year) This is the first time that Dayana has been away from home. She elected to come to the UK for her education as she is keen to study medicine at a British University when she leaves school, she considers it important to speak English well and the UK was chosen because we have the best education. “Of course I have had some difficulties and stressful times settling in away from home for the first time. The culture is very different and I have found it hard to get used to the routine of the boarding house, but I have made new friends who have helped me. All the staff are very friendly and helpful. Everybody at Pocklington is extremely polite, and I am changing my initial impressions of the English, the UK is not all about tea and the Queen!” Old Pocklingtonians Boxing Day Rugby Match, Pocklington Rugby Club Friday 26 December, 1pm follow us on : @pockschool THE POCKLINGTON SCHOOL FOUNDATION - REGISTERED CHARITY NO 529834 To get in touch with us about any aspect of Allawalla Tingle please contact Emily Frankish at: Pocklington School, West Green, York YO42 2NJ, T: 01759 322639, E: frankishe@pocklingtonschool.com Our boarders come from all parts of the world. This September the largest group of newcomers joined us from China, the second largest new group was from the UK and the third largest from Russia, with Spaniards, Ukranians, Estonians and Germans making up the rest. We asked two pupils Omid Nuri (Pocklington Prep, Year 3) a Russian pupil whose parents live in Beijing and Dayana Yamilova, from Ufa the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, a new 5th year boarder in Faircote to tell us about their first few weeks at Pocklington. Exam Week, 4th Year to Upper Sixth Monday 1 – Friday 5 December Year 6 and Pre-Prep Parents’ Evening Monday 24 November, 4pm enjoy a day out at the battle of Stamfo rd Bridge At the start of this term we were delighted to welcome 40 new boarders to our school community including an increasing number of younger boarders. The two youngest members of our community are in Dolman House and Year 3 and Year 4 at Pocklington Prep School. Sixth Form Symposium Lecture: Geography – Antartica, My Frozen Story by Will Atkinson, OP, 4pm Reception for Boarding Parents Friday 21 November, 2,45pm Orchard Boarders Brothers in boarding, Omid and Novid Omid Nuri (Year 3) “Settling in to boarding has been OK for me as I have my older brother Novid with me, he looks out for me and helps me when I need him - we get on really well. My favourite subject at school is Maths with Mrs Kennedy whose favourite saying is ‘kindness is magic’. I also enjoy reading with Mrs Gilmour. In the boarding house I like to use the comput ers to work on school projects. We get house points for being good, when you reach 10 points you get a present like a bar of chocolate. We also go on trips together on Sundays to farms or parks, the best one so far was Flamingoland. We went on an animal slide that was as high as a tree.” Apart from our full time boarders we also have a number of weekly boarders and part-time flexible and casual boarders as more and more families find this an excellent way for all the family to achieve a good work life balance and some students welcome the extra support. Here is what some of our extended day boarders in Fenwick-Smith have to say about their experiences: Will Nicholson (5th Year), five evenings extended day until 9.30pm “I was finding it hard to concentrate with my work at home, so then I decided to go into day boarding where I have been able to do all my homework, coursework and any other extra-curricular work. The staff have been great. If I don’t understand anything, then all I have to do is ask them and they will help me.” Jack Crump (U6th), weekly boarder “I have been a weekly boarder for just over a year and I love it. I became a weekly boarder because I spent a lot of time travelling to and from school and so boarding is very convenient. Over the past year I have had a great time and enjoyed making new friends in a variety of years and being involved in boarders’ events and trips to sports fixtures, comedy nights and much more. During my free time in the evenings I have had a laugh playing darts, pool and table tennis.” Pocklington School Foundation News, Views & Events