Pocklington School - A Guide for International Families Pocklington International | 页面 11

UNIFORM All students, across the whole Foundation, must wear school uniform, as directed by the lists provided. The uniform varies slightly with age and resembles business-wear by the time students reach Years 12 and 13. We understand that for many international boarders, the whole idea of wearing a uniform is strange and uncomfortable, but it is part of our identity here and we consider it to be very important. There is uniform for everyday school and also for sport. We have a uniform shop on site and items can be ordered and paid for online or international families can visit the shop in person. The shop has extended opening hours at the start of the term and is always open late on the day when boarders return to school after the summer. As all boarders’ clothes washing is done on-site, it’s really important that every single item of clothing is clearly labelled. House staff can help with this task if you run out of time. It’s a great idea to leave house staff with plenty of spare name labels so that they can sew new labels in as required. Homestays, railway stations and airports and back again. Our dedicated Boarders Travel email account shares and manages all travel requests. We have a network of local taxi drivers who have all been rigorously checked and screened by the safeguarding authorities and who provide an excellent transfer service for our boarders. You will be charged for this transport, but only what it costs. We contact all our boarders well before a holiday to ask if they would like us to arrange transfers for them. We will always need written requests and consent from a parent or guardian. For boarders in Dolman House or Orchard House (junior boys and girls), all the Sunday trips and activities are included in the cost of the boarding fee. There is a weekly programme of activities. They do something different every Sunday and it’s great! For our older boarders, there are also a lot of extra trips and activities on offer but these are advertised separately and won’t always be at the weekend. Boarders can sign up for them and will then be charged via the end of term account. Travel It is very important to us that all our students are safe and accounted for. As international families, your children will be undertaking longer journeys to and from Pocklington and we attend to every finest detail to ensure that young people reach their destinations safely when they leave our care. We arrange boarders’ transfers from school to Exeats The school community enjoys four Exeat weekends each academic year. On these Exeat Weekends, school closes at 4pm on the Friday and opens again on Monday morning. So there is no ‘Saturday School’. Boarding houses remain open, however, and boarders can stay in school and receive care, food, accommodation and company. There will be a modest cost for this to cover food and staffing and this will be charged to the end of term account. ‘Our younger son will be joining you soon! His brother loved every minute!’ PARENTS OF A YEAR 11 STUDENT FROM GERMANY. 11