Pocklington School - A Guide for International Families Pocklington International | Page 8

very quickly. If medication is prescribed, our nurses will oversee its use. Hospital referrals can be made and where a guardian is unable to accompany a boarder, we will make alternative arrangements. All boarders are also automatically covered by our ‘emergency’ dental treatment policy – so if there is any non-routine issue with their teeth, they will be treated at our excellent private dental practice in Pocklington at no additional cost. All routine dental care must be arranged privately by the boarder’s family. ‘Pocklington School is a very special place; I spent happy years here and now I want my young nephew to come too.’ OLD POCKLINGTONIAN FROM HONG KONG Your timetable should be ready for you on the first day of term but is usually quite easy to change if you discover that something is not quite right. Day and Boarding house staff are here to sort things out for you so don’t be at all surprised if your timetable takes a week or so to finalise. Medical We take the physical and mental well-being of our students very seriously indeed. Our students are cared for in school and in the houses by a team of highly qualified and experienced nursing staff. They are ‘on duty’ on site six days a week 0800hrs till 1900hrs and are then ‘on call’ for boarding house staff right through the evening and night. The nurses have particular responsibility for our boarders and they oversee all routine and emergency needs. The public Health Centre is just 5 minutes’ walk from school and all our boarders, including all international boarders, are automatically registered with our School GP. If there is a need for an appointment with a doctor, we have a certain number of appointments ringfenced for our use so boarders can be seen 8 For all boarders, routine childhood immunisation programmes are continued at school under our nurses’ supervision – parents can ‘opt out’ if they wish. Each year, all boarders are also offered a free ‘flu vaccination’ – this is administered by our school doctor and supported by our nursing staff. As part of your joining instructions, once you have accepted your place, you will be asked to complete a confidential medical record document. Please complete this fully and accurately so that we can care for you excellently. We only accept medication which is labelled in English and fully approved by a qualified medical practitioner. Banking In our two junior houses – Dolman and Orchard – house staff run an internal bank system -whereby boarders may ‘deposit’ cash and then ‘withdraw’ it when it is needed. This enables staff to keep a closer eye on spending patterns! For Prep School boarders, who are not permitted to walk the short distance into the market town of Pocklington without a member of staff, it is a safe way to ‘bank’ money. Parents can ‘top up’ their children’s accounts electronically from home. We can provide all banking details upon request. Most older boarders open their own bank account: we have two banks in Pocklington, and HSBC is particularly experienced in providing wise banking solutions for our international boarders. We will provide a confirmation letter for you and the whole process takes about a week. You can then have access to funds at any time via internet banking and it is obviously much easier for parents to ensure their children have adequate personal funds.