Pocket Shopper 1 | Page 19

The Influencer Effect

Influencers are becoming brands' most popular choice when it comes to online marketing, with 57% of UK&US brands now using influencers as part of their marketing strategy. You can be anyone to be an influencer as long as you have a following and can help promote a brand to further their business. Influencers make their audience interested by posting content their audience wants to see, this engages the audiences and actually interests them, making them more likely to buy into the product as they trust the views of who they are following. With influencers now sitting front row at some of the biggest fashion shows in the world, it shows their opinion really does count.

Due to the popularity and success of the inluencer Pocket Shopper will use influencers to promote the app. Pocket Shopper has chosen 3 influncers who best represent the brand and the customer. The influencers will post, promoting the app and the showing the looks which were styled by their style advisors on the app. This should engage the audience into downloading the app and trying it for themselves. Each influencer also relates to one of the brands customer profiles.