• The expansion of Tobago ’ s revenue base by way of fees at certain tourist attractions on the island ; the enhancement of the operational efficiency of the Studley Park Quarry and the identification of other revenue sources on the island .
The PNM also pledges a renewed and enhanced adherence to the principles of good governance in its management of the public affairs of Tobago , the processes of decision-making and how these decisions are implemented or not . It is the intention of the Tobago PNM to engage in contemporary best practices of good governance .
• Accountability
• Transparency
• Responsiveness
• Effective and Efficient Administration
• Adherence to the rule of law .
Good governance has several major characteristics and it is the intention of the Tobago PNM , as we seek greater autonomy , to ensure that these characteristics are incorporated into the Tobago governance framework . The major characteristics to which the Tobago PNM pledge sustained effort are :
• People Participation
• Consensus Oriented Planning and Decision Making
• Equity and Fairness