The Governance Model of the Future
The Tobago PNM recognises that the existing legislative and constitutional arrangements between the Assembly and the central government are a significant constraint to Tobago ’ s development . Tobago ’ s present and potential contributions to the national purse are not clearly defined and this significantly weakens our negotiating position for additional funding from the central government . Furthermore , the Assembly cannot make laws on matters directly affecting Tobago . All these legislative and constitutional arrangements serve to impede and frustrate Tobago ’ s development .
The Tobago PNM is therefore committed to ensuring the desires and aspirations of the people of Tobago for increased autonomy are realised . The Tobago PNM has been an integral part of the Forum of Political Leaders mandated to undertake “ all proper and necessary steps to achieve and secure democratic self-government for Tobago in the shortest time possible ”. The Forum has played a critical role in advancing the process of autonomy for Tobago over the last four years .
After extensive consultations with the people of Tobago , the draft Bill to grant Tobago self-government was debated in the Assembly ’ s Chamber and forwarded to the Central Government for the consideration of Cabinet and further action . The new legislation when enacted will ensure that the Tobago House of Assembly has the authority to engage in financial transactions and to source funding to facilitate its development . It will also ensure Tobago ’ s maritime boundaries are clearly defined , that the Assembly can make laws with respect to specific matters directly relevant to Tobago .
As a fundamental aspect of the new legislative arrangements between the Assembly and the central government that will pave the way for self-government for Tobago , the Tobago PNM led Administration will ensure the following :
• That the THA be allocated a predictable share of the national budget
• That the Assembly has the ability to access grant funding from regional and international agencies such as CDB and IDB
• That the Assembly has the authority to borrow on its own credibility to finance capital development in Tobago
• That the Assembly has the ability to impose taxes with respect to some activities in Tobago
• That the Assembly collaborate with the Ministry of Finance to ensure greater efficiencies in tax collection in Tobago
• That all companies operating in Tobago or which operate branches or do business in other way in Tobago pay applicable taxes in Tobago