The Galactic Gazette has had a revamp!
A whole new theme set means a whole new experience!
We hope that you readers love it as much as we, the editors and writers, love it!
The whole new contents page with interactive page numbers means that you can now easily jump from the beginning of the Gazette through to the middle or the end with out needing to flip through every page; although we of course want you to be reading the whole Magazine as we have put a lot of effort into it!
The Leaders now have task specific jobs that you guys might actually not know about yet. Our Leaders are working double time to keep the Guild running; so here is an overview of our top leaders' new jobs so everyone knows what's going on!
- Khryztofa: Khryz is running the show. He runs the Guild and website as a whole and oversees everything that goes on in the Guild, and also commands the Leadership team. He is the ultimate go-to guy for anything!
- Yuki Matsuda: Yuki is the Recruitments and Website Administrator. If you're a Recruiter and have questions or need help or ideas on how to rope in those Initiates, then hit up Yuki. If you have any issues with the website, Yuki can fix it! Contact Yuki or Khryztofa via private message or hit the advice section of the forums.
- GarenMuln: Garen is our Events Coordinator! Although there are currently only a few events, Garen is trying his hardest to spark up interest in weekly events to get everyone inspired! If you can join in on a Guild event, contact Garen via private message or post in the feedback forums. Garen is aiming to whip up some teams for regular raids and events, and is trying to get as many people on at all times so that he can get events running frequently! So help us out by keeping your character information up to date on the website - levels, availability, and any other general info. Be sure to check the calendar for any up-coming events, and hit up Garen with ideas!
Whats's New
8 Spring, 2013 \