PMX Insider Issue 02 - Spring '13 | Page 10

10 Spring, 2013 \

Q. How old are you? What country are you from? What do you do in the real world? And what do you want for the future?

I'm 18, I'm from Australia and I'm an Apprentice Chef. Lots and lots of money wouldn't be too bad.

Q. Why did you pick "GarenMuln"?

Well on APAC it was Ferus Olin Jedi from the Rise of the Empire Era, then I had to change due to the consolidation so I picked Garen Muln also a Jedi from the Rise of the Empire era; he was one of the last Jedi.

Q. What brings you to SW:TOR?

Well I have always loved Star Wars, and just brought that game one day; turned out the be a great idea!

Q. What is your favourite planet? And what planet do you hate the most?

Tatooine because it is such a prominent world in the films and because I like to visit the World Boss on a regular basis. I really disliked Balmorra; it was not a very pretty planet and I felt like the planet dragged on and on.

Q. What part of the Guild is your favourite?

I love the Guild Members, they are great to talk to and there is a diverse mix from around the world.

Garen Muln



Member of the Month:


Let’s hear something

about you!

Q. One thing to change about the game would be:

Every Aussie would agree with me: bring back APAC servers. I do miss them but I do like the Population numbers on the West Coast.

Q. What do you love about the game?

Well all of it, really; just the fact that it was Star Wars and I really enjoy the Flashpoints. I cant wait till we get more numbers then we can start up Operations.

Q. Any future event you would like to see happen?

Operations for the higher level guild members; as it is my responsibility to organise these I will be running them once we get the numbers. I also enjoy the World Boss runs that happen from time to time.

Q. You’re a Sentinel - what made you pick this class?

Well it was my first character and I just wanted to have two lightsabers, haha!

Q. Any final words?

Yeah sure! Everyone get involved in the Guild Lotto, it's only 1000 credits; and I look forward to caching up in game! Thanks to Khryz and Yuki for the work they put into this Guild (you don't realise how much Yuki does behind the scenes). Yeah thats it.

Member of the Month