The American servers that BioWare intends to merge the APAC servers to are based on server type, meaning that Australia's PvE, RP and PvP servers will be merged with the West Coast PvE, RP and PvP servers respectively. Dalborra will merge with The Harbinger, Gav Daragon will go to the Begeren Colony, and Master Dar'Nala will move to The Bastion.
However, as players are offered one free server transfer per character to any server, the leaders of the Galactic Republic Senate and Dark Imperial Council Guilds took it upon themselves to disappear from game for a while to test characters on many of the foreign servers to find the best one for ping, community, and overall quality of gaming.
Although BioWare still has no information available on the main page or news pages of the website, they have endeavoured to inform players about the changes through an e-mail outlining the basics of the server consolidation.
Many of the Guilds' members panicked about the new changes, and rumours spread quickly among the players, until the leaders thoroughly researched the subject, finding the information spread out throughout SWTOR's forums.
Confident that they at least had time to sort things out, Sovereign Lord and Supreme Chancellor Khryztofa held a meeting with the leaders of both the Galactic Republic Senate and Dark Imperial Council Guilds on the 6th of June to discuss, among other things, the destiny of the sibling Guilds.
The decision reached was that both Guilds would officially transfer on the 5th of July (Independance Day in American time), giving the leaders one month to raise much-needed funds for the re-opening of the Guilds and Guild banks upon transfer to the new servers. Taking into consideration the preferences of the guild members, they decided to move to BioWare's suggested server, the Begeren Colony.