PMP Manual National - Jul. 2014 | Page 99

PATIENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Use your pinch/zoom features on your mobile device to enlarge or shrink the screen. 1. Days of the week starting from today 2. Arrow button to move the schedule to the following week 3. Named columns 4. Appointments scheduled 5. Breaks and custom colours are visible 6. Appointment details. Click on an appointment to view the details. This includes name, patient number, email address, priority phone number, and appointment details. Keep in mind: • Due to security guidelines mobilePMP will become inaccessible after 5 minutes of inactivity and you will be prompted to login again • You can access the next two weeks of your schedule only • mobilePMP will display 15 minute intervals only. Practitioners utilizing 5, 10 or 20 minute intervals will have appointments appear in the closest, earlier timeslot in the 15 minute increment. 98 | mobilePMP