PMP Manual National - Jul. 2014 | Page 88

PATIENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM * Fields marked with asterisks above only need to be set up once; your selection will remain for this type of email until another option is chosen. Email Reminder Notes: • Only one email will be sent to each patient for each appointment. If you send reminders for a given day and go back later to send reminders again, patients who have already been sent an email will not receive a second reminder • If you select multiple dates or multiple practitioners a patient may receive more than one reminder: one email will be sent for each date that is within the date range selected and one email will be sent for each practitioner that the patient is booked with within the specified date range. • Be cautious; remember your email limits Click Send Emails. PMP will now move the group of emails to a minimized program named ePMP that will send the emails. This program is open in the system tray of your computer, which is located in the bottom right of your computer screen next to the time. Networked offices should have this program open on only one computer. This program is not visible and will send the emails as you continue processing other items. Resend or Do Not Send an Email PMP includes a checkbox that is available in multiple screens that allows you to resend an email and/or book an appointment that does not require an email reminder. On occasion you may want to resend a reminder email that has already been sent. You may also want to schedule an appointment in the near future where a patient who usually receives reminders does not require one for a close appointment. Rules: To send or resend an email, leave the checkbox blank. Email reminders will be sent if this patient meets the filters and criteria associated with sending email reminders. If you do not want to send an email put a checkmark in the checkbox. The email checkbox can be found five places: 1. the Edit Appointment Information screen. This screen is available when clicking an appointment from the appointment scheduler. 2. the Patient Information Appointment tab (not editable). Locate this screen from the Patient Information file on the Appointments tab. 3. F2 – Add an Appointment screen. Locate this screen by pressing F2 from the main screen or Patient Information, Appointments, Add an Appointment. 4. Make an appointment in this timeslot screen. Find this screen by clicking onto an empty timeslot on the appointment scheduler. 87 | Email