PMP Manual National - Jul. 2014 | Page 24

PATIENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM F2 Appointment Grid This method of adding an appointment does not use the appointment book directly, therefore you must supply all the information about the appointment. You can also book multiple appointments and this is the fastest way to add several appointments. The F2 screen is broken up into the following sections:  Current Appointment shows the details for the appointment we are booking.  The Time Grid shows an overview of the day’s schedule. Numbers that appear in the grid boxes represent the number of columns already in use for the specified time interval.  List of Appointments and Doctor tabs at the bottom show the appointments currently being scheduled and an appointment book mini view. Scroll the appointment book screen to move to times and click onto the screen to book appointments.  Patient Information on the right is a summary of information that may be required for scheduling purposes. To create one appointment only click the appropriate date on the calendar. Choose the Type of Appointment and the units for the appointment with horizontal or vertical unit buttons. The unit buttons across and down is an option that is selected under the Setup menu, Clinic Defaults. Pick the Room if appropriate. Remember that rooms will only book vertical appointments. Practitioners utilizing 5 minute interval times should schedule F2 appointments using the mini view at the bottom as 5 minute slots are not visible on the grid. To book the time of the appointment choose to either book by clicking onto a time in the Time Grid area or by clicking onto the mini appointment view. Alter any other areas that are required such as Doctor for this Appointment, Status, Comment. Click Finish. To create multiple appointments follow the above instructions but do not click Finish. Click Add Another Appointment after you have successfully entered the details for the first appointment. The date automatically advances to the next day. Click the next appointment date on the calendar and then the appropriate time. Continue this process until you have booked all required appointments. You may print an appointment List or Calendar from this screen if you wish. Click Finish when you have completed all appointments. 23 | Appointments