PMP Manual National - Jul. 2014 | Page 13

PATIENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Computer Defaults This area is utilized if the user would like different information on this computer than may be available at another networked computer. You can change the screen size and print receipts with an alternate address rather than the Clinic Default address. Cell shading is defined and you can also choose a different Appointment Book Set. The options on the Computer Default screen are used for this computer only. If you are running PMP networked each computer can assign different options. Screen Size The PMP screen resolution can be changed so that you decide how PMP will appear on your desktop. Networked offices will choose screen resolution for each computer running PMP. Choose the screen resolution by clicking the radio button beside your choice under Screen Size. The screen will change each time you click a different radio button allowing you to choose the screen size you prefer. Note that grayed out screen sizes are not available for this monitor although you may be able to increase these options by changing your screen settings in Display Properties. To temporarily change the screen size from the main appointment book:  Press the Ctrl and up arrow keys together when on the main appointment book to enlarge  Press the Ctrl and down arrow keys together when on the main appointment book to shrink. This temporary feature is also available on the right click menu. Appointment Shading Appointment cells can be shaded to various degrees of grey to signify their meaning on the schedule.    Appointment Cell shade refers to booked appointments. This makes viewing horizontal appointments that wrap easier to distinguish. Adjust the lever to the desired setting. Unavailable Shared Column Cell shade refers to shared columns where another practitioner has a patient booked and a timeslot is not available. This cell is also populated with the doctor code of the practitioner who is using this room. Adjust the lever to the desired setting. Extra Column Cell shade refers to temporary columns that are added to accommodate appointments that exceed the timeslot when wrapping is not turned on. This differentiates these columns so that over-booking does not occur by inadvertently booking into the Extra column. Other Setup Menu Options Appointment Books PMP will accommodate multitudes of practitioners. You may wish to view your practitioners in a specific order or in different groupings. The order of practitioner tabs and grouping on your appointment books can be customized using Appointment Books and Appointment Book Sets. 12 | Customizing PMP for Your Office