PMP Manual National - Jul. 2014 | Page 104

PATIENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Edit Date One of the functions that PMP contains is the ability to restrict edits and deletions from happening in the patient account activity screen. The restrictions are limited by date. When activated, users will not be able to edit or delete transactions in patient files if the transaction date of the activity is before the date specified in ‘Edit Date’. The Edit Date aids in more accurate bookkeeping procedures and stops changes from happening within previous months without approval. Security should be setup to disable access to this area. To setup the Edit Date go to the Utilities menu, Edit Date. Select the appropriate date on the calendar. Click Accept Changes. Account Edit Journal The Account Edit Journal records any edits, deletions and balance changes that are made in the patient Account Activity screen. It offers the choice of viewing the report by Service Date or Edit Date. • Service Date will show the edits and deletions by the date of service. • Edit Date shows the edits and deletions by the date the service was edited. Balance changes are added to the list treating the editing date as the service date. Click the Reports menu, Account Edit Journal, by Patient, by Login ID, or by Date. • by Patient will produce the account edits and deletions for a specific patient • by Login ID will produce the account edits and deletions created by a specific user • by Date will produce the account edits and deletions done during a specified date range All users should be setup with individual logins in order for the Account Edit Journal to accurately reflect the user who performed the action. This account edit journal was produced by Date, Editing Date. 103 | mobilePMP