PMOz Book of Abstracts (Sept. 2013) (Sept. 2013) | Page 5

Tuesday 17 September, 2013 11:00 – 11:40 Managing by Project – Turning The Strategic Program and Project Portfolio Into Business Benefit Reality Clinton Int’Veld Portfolio, Program and Project Consultant DDLS The rapid rate of change in both technology and the market place has placed enormous strains upon existing organisational resources, be it time, money, staff and or materials. Portfolio, Program and Project Management practices have been identified by many business leaders, as one of several workable solutions to making better use of existing organisational resources, by getting work to flow both horizontally and vertically within a business, while focusing on delivering more business value and benefit, with less. Successful program and project portfolio management goes far beyond just maintaining stakeholder expectations of completing programs and projects within scope, time, cost and quality constraints; it’s about doing the right programs and projects within the portfolio, not just about doing them right. Organisation’s who wish to remain relevant, now and into the future, need to adopt innovative methods that facilitate the participation in high performing program and project teams, thus requiring an organizational focus on the application of portfolio management; a focus that deals with effective program and project prioritisation, elevated goal setting, high team performance delivery and a culture of delivering business value out of very program and or project initiative; this future way is a Managing By Project way. A Managing By Project philosophy brings a structured approach to the use of program and project management skills, tools and techniques within an organisation. This is especially important in today’s business environment, where most program and project managers, need to deliver higher quality outputs faster, with fewer resources and with an expectation of higher benefit contribution to the sponsoring business. The challenge of today’s organisational leadership is to weave a web of new and improved program and project management practices. These practices should be simple enough that all stakeholders can understand and apply them, while being effective in the prioritisation, planning, execution and delivery of programs and projects. In order to facilitate the introduction, implementation and development of a uniform, yet dynamic cultural of business benefit focused program and project management, the introduction and support of a Managing By Project philosophy, needs to be pursued in order to ensure that the projectised culture is developed and strengthened, within the Australian business environment today. A Managing By Project philosophy applied to the strategic program and project portfolio management practices of today, provides tangible business benefits for not only the business as usual, but to all those key stakeholder involved in planning, executing and delivering programs and projects. 5 ©PMOz 2013