PMCI September 2015 | Page 43

After spending 4 years working within the security industry, conducting hostile environment type missions, it was all trial and error with regards to equipment and was definitely personal preference. It also depends on the type of contract you are going on to, for example when on DoD contracts in Iraq & Afghanistan the client & contract required you to wear full PPE. Including helmet, body armour and tan coloured clothing. When working on embassy or commercial contracts I found the visual posture would be lowered, and on some occasions you would be required to wear suits. Prior to deploying you would genuinely receive joining or admin instructions explaining what you are required to take with you and also what you would be issued upon arrival on to contract. After about 1 year of contracting and experiencing both DoD & commercial tasking’s I tried to adopt a load out that would suit both roles should I have to move jobs/companies. The equipment I would genially deploy with would be: • Crye Precision Field Pants & Shirt x3. • Plate Carrier (without armour) for flying. • Chest Rig (Personal preference) & low profile plate carrier. • Ammo & utility pouches. • Basic med kit & IFAC. • Weapon sling. • Pistol holster and magazine pouch. • GPS. • Mapping (if available). • Grab Bag/Day sack. • • • Richard S (UK) Gloves & Ballistic Glasses. Suitable footwear Warm jacket for winter deployments (especially in Afghanistan). Personal Admin: • Passport & contract documentation. • Money (upto $1000) for emergencies. • Local pay as you go phone (extra credit). • Personal mobile phone. • Laptop (hard drive with movies). • Ipod. • Kindle. • 3 sets of civilians, including one set of smart casuals. • PT equipment. • BB Cap. • Watch. • Wash kit & shower footwear. Any other pieces of equipment would be supplied by the contracting company you will be working for. Most companies these days will issue a uniform or company shirts to create a professional look. I found local markets and shops reliable both in Iraq & Afghanistan, in particular when contracting in Afghanistan I would rely on the American PX for the majority of my administrational items, making my bags lighter for travelling or allowing me to carry other mission essential equipment. Equipment layout images courtesy of Project GECKO.