PMCI September 2015 | Page 4 TRAINING: CROPS LEVEL 4 URBAN SURVEILLANCE COURSE It’s 2300hrs on an overcast Saturday night in September, and the students on the CROPS Level 4 Urban Surveillance Operators Course are deployed onto the ground to conduct a live technical tracker placement, and their target vehicle is parked in a semi-rural location. The students move their overwatch team into an outer cordon position, with a QRF vehicle ready in case it all goes wrong. T he deployment pair conduct their final communications check before stepping off, the plan to insert across the fields towards the gable end of the targets property, using the tall hedge line to conceal their movements, the Number 2 continually scanning the target area with NVG’s ensuring no movement is seen; as they reach the property boundaries they roll down their balaclavas, don their black latex gloves and boot covers before going on plot to execute their mission. Minutes later, the code word is heard over the net indicating the placement has been a success, and that phase two of the surveillance mission is now set for tomorrow morning... Commercial surveillance is one of the largest growing industries both in the United Kingdom (and indeed worldwide), and is been conducted by hundreds of individual’s at all different levels across the country. PMCI have been closely following the company known as ‘CROPS’ as they progress within this industry and more so their delivery of intense training packages, this small but highly professional company are taking covert commercial surveillance to another level! Having spoken to Ben, the “top man”, in person, PMCI discovered a whole lot more about their set-up. 4 PMCI: So Ben, tell our readers more about your Urban Surveillance Course, where it started, and what makes it different to all the others? CROPS: Before we start, let me make it known that conducting surveillance alone is never ideal, we do not condone it, and should always where possible be deterred. However, in the commercial arena this practise is 9 out of 10 times the norm, and takes place far too often. It’s our role to make sure students leaving CROPS are competent lone operators. Having taken our time, and with our real life surveillance experiences, we have been able to develop an Urban Surveillance Operators Course like no other on today’s market. This refreshed course is well overdue, giving the current syllabus taught by the old and bold providers a good kick up the ass. We pride ourselves on being the ‘new generation’ of surveillance training provider who still, unlike many, conduct over 250hrs of live surveillance tasking’s each and every month. It’s these current and every day experiences we encounter on the live surveillance that we filter back into our courses. Our instructors come from military and police surveillance backgrounds; this gives them a good grounding in the commercial arena. However, our course like previously mentioned is very different from others. We haven’t done what others have, and ripped off the old ‘Type W’ course delivered to operators working in Northern Ireland, our course concentrates on the ‘commercial tactics’ of working in pairs and alone.