PMCI October 2017 | Page 10 10 THE UNIVERSAL COMBAT STANCE For this issue we are again pleased to be joined by Eli from Project Gecko, this time to give us some insight as to how and why he and his team train their students the way they do when it comes to the all-important Combat Stance. R ecently during one of our Project Gecko shooting courses, I heard several students arguing about whether a tactic or a shooting stance should be 100% universal or on the other hand a purpose designated (CQB / LR context for example) stance that might not be 100% universal but more human behaviour compliant and flexible. Back to the students argument; I asked the student: “What does a universal stance mean for you?” He replied that the stance can be used in a firefight, hand to hand combat, in close quarters or on 200m. In a few words something that is legit for every task, doesn´t matter how different the context might be. This sounds really efficient and simple in the first place right? It left me thinking quite often about it, because each fight has different priorities so the stance also has different tasks to fulfil. Nevertheless, the utilisation of Tactic, Terrain and Equipment plays a major role in our ability to do A B C…. As a small example you can ask a kitchen chef if he is using only one knife to prepare his food? The answer is clearly no, because every meat is different. So is fighting. So for those who want a short summary, there is no universal combat stance, merely indifference’s that are normally dictated by the designation of your task. Let’s look into some fundamentals and principles. STABILITY EQUALS TIGHT GROUPING RIGHT? When you ask the average shooter why the shooting stance is so important, he will typically roll up his eyes and will say “Tight grouping bro.” Not so correct. A shooting stance, or lets be more accurate, a combat stance, is a stance that allows you not only to be relevant to the application of action itself (shooting /punching for example), but also to what is going to happen straight after you take the decision to pull the trigger or deliver a blow with your fist. The combat stance should be one fluent movement that will allow you to remain proactive and responsive. In reality, human targets are extremely dynamic. One of the most important characteristics of the combat stance is mobility. But what is meant with mobility?