I know that you have excellent training facilities that you make
use of throughout Europe; can you tell me more about them
and what you do there?
Correct. And that is a result of good reputation and no
compromise over opportunities. Our current training facilities
divide into two categories, Field and Urban. We are using
different types of training grounds but the famous one is an
ongoing project we have in central Germany which consists of
an indoor complex, with a complete urban layout. We expect
the project to grow dramatically during 2015 and hope to finally
finish it around the end of 2015.
You also provide field training; what does this entail?
Correct. PG offers different levels of SUT and land navigation
courses. Without exposing too much, in those courses we will
teach our participants how to communicate, work together
and go through a process of problem solving. Aside from the
mental thing, which we like to develop within our students,
this courses main goal is to teach different SOPs, which are an
essential tool within field operations.
Do you train just military and police personnel or civilians too?
We have different classes and we run different courses. Some
of them are highly suitable for civilians, some are less. The
reality is that we have a few