“Good to go” is a phrase I hear a lot within the PMCI team, and That trust is not just founded on physical proximity as I’m based
it’s one that I use a lot myself. What do we actually mean when in the UK, whilst Trampas is in the USA. Yes, we’ve been on the
we use it though, what is the substance behind it? range together (not anywhere enough!) and hit SHOT as a double-
“Good to go” can mean a myriad of different things when we act, and yes, we exchange notes on almost a daily basis, but he
use it. If we have all our kit, firearms and ammunition ready in is physically removed by an ocean and several thousand miles.
our range bags and gun cases then we’re “good to go” for the What makes us a good team then? It’s good old-fashioned
range, for testing, evaluation and skills development. The same respect and trust. We share the ideals of honesty and integrity,
will apply if we’re heading to a show as pens, notebooks, laptops, we both believe in the freedom of speech and expression, and we
tablets, phones, and other comms devices will be squared away both hold the right to bear arms right next to our beating hearts.
in our packs or bags. We respect those around us that work hard and play hard,
Physically we will say we’re “good to go” when we’re not and who above all are honest and forthright to the core. We love
carrying any injuries, or feeling fatigued. Ranges sessions, testing innovators, and hate those that try to make a fast buck out of
gear in the boonies, and even covering miles in a convention someone else.
centre can play havoc on your joints, and late nights attending Through these shared values we have learnt to trust one
presentations and functions puts even more stress on your body. another, and our respective geographically-based teams are purely
We’ll even use “good to go” about our mental state, indicating an extension of that same trust; if Trampas tells me that someone
that everything else has been put on hold until the task in hand is “good to go” I simply don’t question his judgement.
is complete, and that we are focused on what lies ahead. The same applies to those that we work with, our friends and
When I speak to one of the PMCI team about a task or a partners in the industry; those we trust will get our attention every
potential article and they tell me that they are “good to go” I day of the week, and we’ll work to further their aims as well as
know completely that the task will be completed, or that they our own. Trampas and the PMCI USA team have returned from
have everything for the article in hand. Bottom line is that if I ask Vegas tired yet excited by the year ahead, and as the PMCI UK
Trampas for something and he tells me that he’s “good to go” I crew get ready for IWA in Nuremberg we’re “cocked
know that he’s 100% on it; it’s a trust that has developed over and locked” to get the job done.
good years now, and that trust extends to all the “staffers” and So, is PMCI “good to go” for 2019? You can bet your
contributors that are involved with this publication. bottom dollar that it is.