PM@CH Journal 2017 December 2017 | Page 27

The Swiss Project Management Journal Projects Beyond Boundaries elements in this decision process. The concept of Commercial Seasons realizes economies of scale for go to market activities like for training, commu- nication or cutover activities, and provides one common delivery frame with a cross functional vocabulary, by time scaling business related activities with technical change management. The Wagile Execution Monitoring defines delivery milestones and benchmarks like Time-to-Go (TTG), Time-to-Market (TTM) or cost burn rate, valid for all nature of projects. This allows project comparison and performance monitoring. The results of using WAGILE have been presented to PMI Switzerland in 2012 [5] For more information, please see: * Wagile is a trademark of Eberhardt & Partner SARL. Andreas Eberhardt References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Project Management Institute SWITZERLAND Chapter 27 2017 Edition