The Swiss Project Management Journal
The People Project
second element is based on the agree-
ment and understanding of technical and
financial partners, donors and public and
private partners directly concerned by the
project and how many resources are avail-
able for the project itself.
That’s really interesting. Can a coopera-
tion project fail?
Yes. A misunderstanding of the expected
challenges and outcomes, or lack of adhe-
rence to the population involved in the
project; a too ambitious or too unambi-
tious project objective may cause a
It is also necessary to create conditions for
transparency in project management and
to prevent groups from taking advantage
of it. For example, c orruption (or even the
temptation to remedy something at a
personal level) is always a big problem in
some countries.
Talking about the Volunteering in Save
the Children, which are the main activi-
ties that are followed by the Volunteers?
Volunteers are a crucial part of our organi-
zation. Working as one team, we combine
skills and experience of volunteers and
staff to create positive changes for
Volunteers give their time, their passion
and their energy to achieve change, they
can be part of the team as event mana-
gers, researchers and coaches to campaig-
ners, partners, fundraisers, ambassadors,
trustees and more. Every day, the enor-
mous range of skills, experience and ex-
pertise they bring makes us stronger as an
organization, enabling us to reach more
people for fund raising and campaigning,
establish wider networks and champion
the rights of children in more communi-
ties than ever before.
A volunteer plays a different role from the
staff in a project and has a different re-
sponsibility level. The staff employee
must guide and mentor the volunteer and
provide him/her with the necessary
support to reach the same objective.
Our mission is to develop and nurture a
supportive, collaborative environment,
where every volunteer is empowered to
share the expertise and inspired to
develop their skills to improve children’s
lives around the world.
As coordinator of the Italian Volunteers
how do you motivate the Volunteer to do
a good job?
That is a good question! In Italy, there are
more than 1500 Volunteers of different
ages actively working in different regions
along the national territory. It is always a
big challenge to motivate a volunteer,
Areas of Intervention: Green: Development, Red: Emergency, Amber: Both of them
Project Management Institute
2017 Edition