frustrating and unfortunate issue
is that even though the NEBOSH
courses are available and presented
here in South Africa, they are not
formally recognized by the NQF and
therefore cannot be credited to an
individual’s qualifications and experience. Therefore, the SACPCMP does
not recognise a NEBOSH qualification
as adequate for registration purposes.
The NQF system does not have facilities for converting or translating the
NEBOSH qualifications into South
African credit.
The new Construction Regulations
2014 are not all bad though, it must
be said. More emphasis has been
placed on how accountability, responsibility and liability have been laid out
between clients, designers, principle
contractors, sub- contractors and
service providers. This added clarity
proves useful going forward towards
the implementation date planned in
August 2015 but there is concern that
the OHS community at large have
not adequately prepared for the impending avalanche of requests from
organisations to implement the required changes for legal compliance.
With regards to the issues of the OHS
Practitioners suffering much frustration and setbacks in the registration
process, the amount of registered
and “competent” Officers, Managers
and Agents will be few and far between – therefore providing the lion’s
share of actual work and contracts to
these precious few. Q