Plymouth Pride Forum May 2013 V2 | Page 5

Don't forget that on 17th May is

International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia

The International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (“IDAHO")

was created in 2004 to

draw the attention of policy makers, opinion leaders,

social movements, public opinion, the

media, etc… to this issue, and to promote a world

of tolerance, respect and freedom regardless of

people’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

As much as it is a day against violence and oppression,

it is a day for freedom, diversity and acceptance.

Plymouth will be flying the flag outside the Guildhall to show their support.

The Plymouth University IDAHO event will include information stands in the attruim of the Rowland Levinsky Building which will include the Universty's Staff LGBT Forum, the UP:LGBT+ Students Union Society & Plymouth's LGBT History Project

This will be happening throughout the day, all are welcome so please feel free to pop along and visit them.