A Little Diva is on Her Way
Hey Mommy's so I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy awaiting for this little diva to be born. Analis Marie weighs about 4 pounds and she is constantly doing cartwheels in my stomach. The doctor told me her hearing is fully developed so I now play music for her, It seems to calm her movements down, at least until she hears her fathers voice and she kicks me. Its weird because when my husband tells her kick mommy she does lol. I can see it already she's going to be a Daddy's Girl. She still has me feeling so uncomfortable. I can't walk without wobbling like a penguin and I can't sleep without my body pillow (it works ladies) body pillows can be our best friend when pregnant, But that's what pregnancy is all about. If not swollen feet, nausea or it's discomfort, but in the end its all worth it. I love being a mother I am so blessed. This is baby #3 for me and my doctor told me the birth is easier but more painful but I guess I'll let you ladies know if that's true. Stay tuned for that. - Evelis Khanna